Saturday, 30 April 2011

Motivational Tips for Losing Weight

Ok so seriously we all want to start the next great diet. The ONE. The one that will work for us. This time we are going to succeed in our weight loss goals. Then life steps in about day 3 when we are looking for excuses and bam. We have fallen off the weight loss wagon. Now we are disappointed in ourselves and thinking we will start again on Monday. But something happens and we forget about the diet or don’t plan it into our schedules and then we are disappointed in ourselves. Does any of this sound familiar?
I have discovered a way to overcome this hurdle. No It’s not a magic pill that will make you get up every day to work out and eat right but it may help on your path to weightloss.
Step One: Really think about why you want to lose weight? Is it to fit into your skinny jeans? To get healthy? Be able to run around with your kids? To be able to get pregnant? To just feel better about yourself?
Everyone has different reasons for losing weight but yours are the only ones that count. Grab a pen and paper and think of 5 good reasons to go on a diet?
Do you have them yet? Don’t move on to the next step until you do.

Step Two: This is the geeky step and you definitely feel weird doing it and might have some resistance but do it anyway! Take that picture of yourself. You know the one you hate where all of your bulges are showing and you feel you look the worst. If someone tagged you in it on FB you untagged yourself. Well get it back. Crop your head off your body and find a body that you admire to put it on to. You can do this the old school way with actual paper and pictures or you can do it in Paint. You don’t need to be a pro at Photoshop for this experience. OK now print this off and put it with your 5 reasons for losing weight.

Step Three: Write down your ultimate weightloss goal. Whether it is 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Write it down at the bottom of your reasons to lose weight. Now look at this goal and think about your life. Is this an achievable goal? Often our ultimate goals overwhelm us and intimidate us. All ultimate goals should take the appropriate time to reach. So let’s say however many pounds you want to lose divided by 1.5 equals the total amount of weeks it should take you. The next step in this process is to break your ultimate goal up into achievable small mini goals. So if you want to lose 100 pounds then it will take you approx 67 weeks. Again it seems daunting. Who wants to diet for that long? Well you do if that is your goal. The next step in this process is to break your ultimate goal up into achievable small mini goals.
We already mentioned the 1.5 pounds a week. So let’s break our ultimate goal down into smaller increments. 10 pounds is the perfect achievable goal. This will take you approximately 6-7 weeks to attain. So let’s break it down even further. Make your mini goal 1.5 pounds a week. This is achievable and something that you can celebrate weekly. Every week when you reach this goal you give yourself a pat on the back, a gold star or a lunch out (don’t splurge too much). This celebration of a mini goal met will give you a sense of self satisfaction and will keep you on your diet wagon.

Step Four: Write out a plan. I know you think this will take a long time but it should only take as long as it took you to do the other 2 steps. I don’t want this plan to be incredibly detailed. In fact we should call it a diet outline. Outline the things you would like to do to achieve your goal. For example:
Wake up 5 am exercise for 45 mins
Eat a healthy breakfast
Make lunch to take to work
Walk 15 mins at lunchtime with a friend

Please do not say wake up at 5 AM if you know that you have a hard time doing this. Because if you miss step one of your plan (because you were too tired and pressed snooze too many times)then you will cancel the rest of your day and plan again for the next day and too many times of that brings us to Friday and no one wants to start a diet on a Friday.
You need to plan for success. So if you know that you won’t wake up at 5am then plan to walk at lunch and exercise for 45 mins after work. You may be really tired after work and the last thing you think you’ll want to do when you get home is exercise but trust me if you have filled the rest of your day with the diet wagon you will exercise simply to not fall off the wagon. You have to play tricks with your mind and try to think in advance of the things that will stop you on the way to your weight loss goal.
Too many times we try to avoid the diet then we get really gung ho about the diet but forget the planning or outline stage. If you don’t have a good idea of how you are going to do something how can you hope for success? I have said before and I’ll say it again. Dieting is all in the mindset. You need to plan it out in advance and get organized. The dieter that is organized and has all of the meals planned for the week is the one that will succeed the most. As they will not be as tempted to stop off on the way home and get a quick meal if they know they have everything they need at home. The above steps will help to motivate you on a regular basis to keep reaching for that ultimate goal.
So in review: Write down your reasons for weightloss and look at them every day. Even bring them with you wherever you go. Put a skinny picture of you with those reasons. If you can see it you can believe it. Make mini goals for yourself and celebrate, this will help you feel a sense of accomplishment. And finally, plan for your success put your mind into the diet wagon. These steps are a great way to stop the self sabotage that dieters are great at and that makes them feel miserable in the end. Happy weightloss!

Monday, 18 April 2011

A Weightloss CD to Help You on Your Diet Path. Check it out.

My Strategies for weightloss are simple. Adding little things into your life to help you along your path to weightloss is from what I can tell the trick to lasting weighloss. This CD is something that you can incorporate into your everyday life. It won’t take a huge effort on your part and you should incorporate it into your daily routine. Whether after dinner, just before you go to sleep, or first thing in the morning. My mantra when I am losing weight is losing weight and feeling great. I say this to myself multiple times daily.That’s why I didn’t blink when I saw this CD. It incorporates my mantra. What a wonderful coincidence.
People often underestimate what listening to CD’s can do for your subconscious. They are a daily reinforcement for your mind. I’m not going to get into the entire subconscious programming but I will give a mini lesson. When you are trying to focus on something in your life,you need to visualize yourself doing or being what it is you want. Often the way to do this is to reinforce your goals by listening to CD’s that promote the behaviour focused on your goal. Often you will receive tips and tricks that help your mind focus on the end goal. This helps greatly when you are tempted by delicious chocolate or muffins brought in by a co-worker.
This CD talks about losing weight and feeling great. It incorporates subliminal messaging, soothing music and ocean waves. Getting fit, healthy eating, pounds vs. Inches, weight management and losing fat are all part of this CD.All things one needs to know when trying to lose weight.  
Weightloss is hard for all of us on our own. The best that we can do is add little things into our lifestyles to help us on our path. We all know what we should eat on a diet or when trying to lose weight. I believe that it is in our minds where we fail. We set ourselves up for failure. Try using this CD to help keep your mind on the goal. Every little bit helps on this journey. Remember if you take a step back you can always take two forward. Forgive yourself and move on.

Increase Your Chances for Permanent Weight Loss

If you’re like me you have tried all of the commercial weight loss programs and failed. You gained the weight back the moment you finished the program or you just quit the program. Would you like to know why? It’s not you it’s the diets. Below I will give you some great tips for lasting weightloss.
Weightloss is not about what you eat (mainly). It is more about planning for your food. This is the hardest part to learn but this is the part that makes it real. Skinny people plan their meals. They walk to the store to get treats. They take the stairs and don’t mind the exertion. Watch skinny people and see how they describe food. Chances are good they bring their lunch to work instead of buying it on the way. They park in the farthest park in the parking lot and don’t mind the walk. They go for walks on their 15 minute breaks.
We all see skinny people on TV and think “wouldn’t it be great if I could have that body”. Well I’m not going to tell you you can because we all know that they are 4% of the population. But what you can have is the best body you’ve got. But before you go on your next diet give the below tips a chance. Take these tips and make them habits before you dive in to a weight loss program. You may find that you don’t need a “program” at all.
Overweight people tend to eat out ALOT. Not all overweight people but most eat out almost double or triple the amount of skinny people. Why is that? Lack of planning. You didn’t have time for breakfast at home so stopped on the way to work for a quick egg mcmuffin, donut or muffin. You didn’t have time to figure out what you’d have for lunch so you’ll just step out at lunch hour and pick something up or worse you’ll hit the vending machine at work. These are all signs of poor planning.
Planning for your week is number one. Start with a grocery list. Don’t make it a diet grocery list but consider all meals of the day when you are making the list. Don’t forget snacks. If you are often short on time ensure that you are buying quick fixes for your meals. There are lots of low calorie options if you take the time to hit all of the aisles in the grocery store you may find things you really like. But ensure that you are able to grab them on the way out the door. As I said your shopping list is the first place to start.
Second ensure that you have what you need to eat said food. Bringing a meal you made to work last night but forgetting the necessary condiments will ensure that you wander towards the vending machine. You want to plan for this. I now keep Tupperware at work with a salad dressing and ketchup (my condiments of choice). Having these handy keeps you in the lunchroom at work rather than jumping in your car for a quick fix because you “forgot” them and can’t eat your prepared food without them.
Third. Try cooking for the week on Sunday. Throwing in 5 chicken breasts on Sunday at one time and then packaging them for the freezer will either give you all of your lunches for the week (if you don’t mind the repetition) or an easy dinner when you rush in the door starving. Knowing that the food is there will help you to not stop at the local drive thru on the way home.
Try steps 1,2 and 3 for a few weeks before signing up for the next diet program. If you can make those tips into habits before you diet you are much more likely to succeed and you might even see that after a couple of weeks a weight loss appears that you hadn’t counted on .

Weight Loss by Shrinking Your Stomach

The best way to lose weight is the simplest. Everyone talks about food in moderation and exercise. While these are definitely helpful there is one step further you should take. And that is a 2 -3 day cleanse. Yes you’ve heard about the Acai berry and green tea diet. You don’t have to go to those extremes or purchase any great expensive cleanses you’ve heard about or seen on TV.
A cleanse does 2 things. It helps to detoxify your body and more importantly it helps to shrink your stomach. The latter will help with any diet you choose. Often times we have stretched our stomachs too far. So that even we realize we are eating more than necessary. We notice this in our portions. Years ago I could never finish fries and a burger when I ate out but now I noticed I do a better job of “cleaning my plate” so to say. This is because over time I have stretched my stomach and I am seeing the results on the scale. People cleanse for many reasons and there are thousands out there to choose from. Look on the internet and see if there is one that you like and can do.
The problem with most cleanses for weight loss is that they have such strange ingredients and make us want to gag with their combinations. DON’T choose one that you know you will put off and possibly never do. A cleanse doesn’t have to mean no food. It can also mean small amounts of healthy food than you would normally eat in one sitting. I like the Green Tea and fruit cleanse for weight loss. I’ve found it helps to shrink your stomach in only 2 days.
Green Tea is also excellent to remain on in any diet as it has been proven that people that drink 3 glasses of green tea a day will lose 5% of their body fat in 3 months. 5% of your body fat in 3 month is not a bad weight loss and it’s pretty simple to do. People like to substitute the green tea capsules but they are not the same. You need to ingest the tea as you need to feel it fill you and change your taste buds. The capsules are helpful but are not recommended for this weight loss cleanse. Don’t be fooled you can buy an all natural green tea at any grocery store. You do not have to purchase anything off the internet. Besides that takes time for shipping and who wants to wait for that?
How to start? Go to the grocery store and pick up enough fruit (many different kinds) for 2-3 days. Pick up a package of Green Tea and you are off to the races. During this 2-3 day cleanse do not eat meals. Eat in small quantities throughout the day. Every 2 hrs is recommended. This will help your body’s digestion and help to shrink your stomach. Don’t forget to drink at least 3 eight ounce glasses of green tea per day. As well as of course the 8 8 ounce glasses of water per day as recommended by most dieticians.
That’s it. That’s all you need in preparation of any weight loss program. These 2-3 days give you the energy you need to begin any “diet” or plan that you have chosen to help you on your way to weight loss. Water is the most important ingredient in any cleanse as it helps your body to eliminate the toxins. Do not skip this step. This is the easiest way to jump on the diet wagon. So go ahead. Give it a shot. Now that your stomach has shrunk a little you will notice that smaller portions aren’t such an issue and don’t make you become hungry later. Any weight loss program will become easier. I wish you all good eating and massive weight loss.