The best way to lose weight is the simplest. Everyone talks about food in moderation and exercise. While these are definitely helpful there is one step further you should take. And that is a 2 -3 day cleanse. Yes you’ve heard about the Acai berry and green tea diet. You don’t have to go to those extremes or purchase any great expensive cleanses you’ve heard about or seen on TV.
A cleanse does 2 things. It helps to detoxify your body and more importantly it helps to shrink your stomach. The latter will help with any diet you choose. Often times we have stretched our stomachs too far. So that even we realize we are eating more than necessary. We notice this in our portions. Years ago I could never finish fries and a burger when I ate out but now I noticed I do a better job of “cleaning my plate” so to say. This is because over time I have stretched my stomach and I am seeing the results on the scale. People cleanse for many reasons and there are thousands out there to choose from. Look on the internet and see if there is one that you like and can do.
The problem with most cleanses for weight loss is that they have such strange ingredients and make us want to gag with their combinations. DON’T choose one that you know you will put off and possibly never do. A cleanse doesn’t have to mean no food. It can also mean small amounts of healthy food than you would normally eat in one sitting. I like the Green Tea and fruit cleanse for weight loss. I’ve found it helps to shrink your stomach in only 2 days.
Green Tea is also excellent to remain on in any diet as it has been proven that people that drink 3 glasses of green tea a day will lose 5% of their body fat in 3 months. 5% of your body fat in 3 month is not a bad weight loss and it’s pretty simple to do. People like to substitute the green tea capsules but they are not the same. You need to ingest the tea as you need to feel it fill you and change your taste buds. The capsules are helpful but are not recommended for this weight loss cleanse. Don’t be fooled you can buy an all natural green tea at any grocery store. You do not have to purchase anything off the internet. Besides that takes time for shipping and who wants to wait for that?
How to start? Go to the grocery store and pick up enough fruit (many different kinds) for 2-3 days. Pick up a package of Green Tea and you are off to the races. During this 2-3 day cleanse do not eat meals. Eat in small quantities throughout the day. Every 2 hrs is recommended. This will help your body’s digestion and help to shrink your stomach. Don’t forget to drink at least 3 eight ounce glasses of green tea per day. As well as of course the 8 8 ounce glasses of water per day as recommended by most dieticians.
That’s it. That’s all you need in preparation of any weight loss program. These 2-3 days give you the energy you need to begin any “diet” or plan that you have chosen to help you on your way to weight loss. Water is the most important ingredient in any cleanse as it helps your body to eliminate the toxins. Do not skip this step. This is the easiest way to jump on the diet wagon. So go ahead. Give it a shot. Now that your stomach has shrunk a little you will notice that smaller portions aren’t such an issue and don’t make you become hungry later. Any weight loss program will become easier. I wish you all good eating and massive weight loss.
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